Friday, August 4, 2017

Fractured Penises

Post oleh : Unknown | Rilis : August 04, 2017 | Series :

Contrary to many a euphemism, there is no bone in the penis, but it can, however, break. The penis has an inner core called “corpus cavernosum” that can fracture from Circque du Soleil type crazy sex (less feasible) and from vigorous masturbation (more feasible). All reports of this gruesome injury note that is more painful than sticking your finger into an active volcano. The penis actually bends and you urinate blood. Left untreated a penis fracture will heal, but it might result in permanent failure to achieve an erection and a deformed penis. That’s not even the worst part; most poor bastards who have had this happen to them report hearing a cracking sound at the moment of rupture.

